Otherwise Togo travel Otherwise Togo travel, Association of solidarity tourism in Togo

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Some testimonies of villagers ...

Kossivi, 37 years, a child.

Kossivi, 37 years, a child.
Mécanicien moto et cultivateur et veilleur de nuit pour le projet VAT, district Zogbe.

"I did the job of caretaker. VAT has brought me more in this business. »

What do you expect for the future of VAT ?
"The promotion of education, there are too truancy. It should encourage children to come to school. In the future, I would stay over so I can buy a motorcycle and make Zemidjan, Motorcycle taxi driver, when there is no VAT stays. »

Colette, 49 years, 6 children.

Colette, 49 years, 6 children.
Cultivatrice et femme de ménage pour VAT, fishing district Adenykope.

"I learned a lot in the field of hygiene and service. »

What do you project for the future ?
"Hope is on two levels. As the project develops and 10 stays per year are organized to change my life. But also other people in my neighborhood are hired by VAT.
VAT must also deal with water. In my neighborhood, women move very far to fetch water. It should also provide a better presentation of the village. »

Patience, 37 years, 2 children.

Patience, 37 years, 2 children.
Coutière and cook for VoyagerAutrementTogo, district Zogbe.

"Through the VA, I learned a lot, I now know European cuisine, it is an asset. I wish now that VAT brings more tourist groups in the village. For the future, must address issues including drinking water. »

And passenger ... ...

Séjour février 2020 - Mathilde

Séjour février 2020 - Mathilde

Voici un brève témoignage de mon expérience vécue avec l'association.

J'aurais encore beaucoup à dire sur cette magnifique aventure que j'ai vécue au Togo, tant j'ai apprécié un voyage qui mérite d'être vécu !

Accompagnée de guides merveilleux, très impliqués et fin connaisseurs de leur terre, d'une équipe chaleureuse et aux petits soins, le séjour proposé par VAT est à vivre au moins une fois dans sa vie.
La durée du séjour est idéale pour découvrir une bonne partie du pays et ses nombreuses activités. L'organisation du programme est très bien pensée, nous n'avons plus qu'à en prendre plein les yeux et profiter du voyage où nos togolais voudront bien nous emmener.
J'ai vécu au Togo une sacrée aventure, un voyage extraordinaire immergée au cœur de la culture africaine, avec une première semaine sportive dans la jungle de l'Atacora aux milles surprises et une deuxième semaine chez l'habitant au cœur chaud comme le soleil.
Merci infiniment aux français bénévoles de l'association Voyager Autrement Togo et à toute l'équipe au Togo sans qui ce voyage ne serait pas possible.
Une expérience inoubliable qui nous change inévitablement.

Séjour voyageur septembre 2018

Séjour voyageur septembre 2018

Témoignage Annie Le Gallo, September 2018

"Nous avons apprécié notre voyage de 3 semaines riche en évènements. The availability of Patrick and Edem comforted us in this trip.
Many discoveries about the situation in the village, welcoming the villagers, with the party, Voodoo ceremony, various ceremonies. We were well received.
North of Togo, we were able to sleep under the stars on the TATA. What an emotion to be close to nature. Then around KPALIME, the trek of 3 days made us live in the bush new adventures. Patrick was always there to manage.
It's a trip that marked us a lot and still moves us. We think a lot about this brave population.
A journey that must be discovered."

Family holiday village & mountain August 2017

Family holiday village & mountain August 2017

We are a Sarthoise family of 4 members : Martial ( the father) Isa ( the mother), Evan our son from 13 years and Alana, our daughter from 10 years . We have been part of the VoyagerAutrementTogo association for several years but we were waiting for our daughter to 10 years to finally be able to discover this country. So we made a stay of 11 to 25 aout 2017, it was the first time that we left the European continent. Two people, Gaby and Annick, joined us. To describe our trip, we will not return to the beauty of the landscapes so well highlighted by the previous testimonies or even the sense of hospitality of the Togolese and the extreme kindness and generosity shown by the inhabitants of this country. We would like to insist, as far as we are concerned, on the possibility of making this trip in peace with great children as was our case. We have always felt in great security and the staff who accompanied us (Patrick, who always has a solution and who knows how to adapt to all situations, Aladji the extremely benevolent and protective grandfather who took our children under his wing) was able to show great professionalism. Level trek 1 is fully feasible for children from the age of ours. The second week in the village was an opportunity for us and our children to really discover the principle of otherness, namely this feeling of wanting to discover the other while respecting their customs and beliefs. In this area, our stay was a great lesson. Only one risk with this type of trip, it becomes addictive !

Joëlle, hiker march 2017

Joëlle, hiker march 2017

This long-planned trip was a GREAT DISCOVERY for the whole group and will remain UNFORGETTABLE..
The advice of the VAT team was essential in preparing for our stay. (air, visa procedures, stay on site). They were able to adapt to our requests and offer us an “à la carte” stay..
We were a group of 12 women (3 in activities – 9 retired…), we only managed air travel and visas, for the rest VAT took care of everything. Our stay of 10 days on site, by putting as much time as possible on the hike, forced us to limit our movements. The 5 days of trekking in the Kpalimé region allowed us to immerse ourselves in this beautiful nature, in contact with the population and thus to satisfy our passion for walking. The rest of the stay in the village of Dexpo was very rich in contacts, in discoveries and above all we touched on everything that the association does for the village, this gives us an idea of ​​the investment of volunteers in close contact with the population.
Tout l’équipe qui a géré notre séjour était « aux petits soins » pour nous, un regret : deux jours de plus au village auraient été bienvenus. Un grand merci à PATRICK (le big boss), Ben, Aladi, Patience, Colette, Nicolas et tous ceux qui ont assuré notre bien être. Nous étions en toute confiance nous nous sommes toujours senti en sécurité, loin de nos préoccupations quotidiennes pour aller à l’essentiel. N’hésitez pas, aller à la rencontre de ce beau pays…. Contact Joëlle – joelledebroise@sfr.fr

Marie-Pierre, randonneuse mars 2017

Marie-Pierre, randonneuse mars 2017

Je garderai de mon voyage au Togo en Mars 2017, un excellent souvenir, avec le sentiment d’avoir réellement rencontré ce qui fait la vie des habitants de ce pays.
The program took place in 2 parties :
- A first part (5 days) was the discovery of the Kpalimé region with several days of hiking in this beautiful mountainous region, and as a bonus the ascent of Mont Agou. These hikes allowed us to discover the landscapes, the rich and magnificent vegetation and the living conditions of the inhabitants in the isolated villages where the welcome of the population was always warm.
- The second part of the trip was our stay in the village of Dekpo, or, pendant 5 days we shared the life of the inhabitants, visited the school, the health center, enjoy nature with canoe rides and swimming in Lake Togo. Nous avons également partagé des activités avec nos hôtes : chants et danses, jeux avec les enfants, cuisine et repas …
Et pour orchestrer ce séjour, au premier rang de ces bons souvenirs, se trouve notre guide, Patrick, qui a concocté une organisation parfaite, en l’adaptant en permanence aux imprévus et aux souhaits du groupe. Chaleureux, attentionné, plein d’humour, il nous a apporté toutes ses connaissances sur son pays, l’histoire, la géographie et, aussi la faune et la flore.
Son « assistant », Ben, a mis sa jeunesse et sa gaieté au service du groupe. Notre chauffeur, Aladi nous a impressionnées par son calme et sa résistance, conduisant inlassablement notre minibus sur les « routes » togolaises.
Beau pays, calme et accueillant, economically poor but so rich in human relations, with always smiles and "good arrival", greeting our passing.

Linda and Christophe

Linda and Christophe

Hello travelers

We had a wonderful stay 16 days. Patrick our guide met us at the airport. After a short night, trip requires we take the direction of Kpalimé(120 km northwest of Lomé). We arrive in a nice hotel with very kind staff. Sunday we left for a trek of 3 days , Patrick always caring makes us discover a magnificent flora, he is unbeatable. After a day of walking (18km) we arrive in a village. To be, waiting for us Nafiou our driver with our suitcases and Innocent the cook a real cordon bleu. We pitched the tents for the night, the following days we saw waterfalls, crossed villages, rivers, forests, landscapes of great beauty, we did plant painting with an artist with a big heart, at the end of these 3 days, 55km de marche, we reach the hotel,

A day off, then city tour, the huge market, craft school, swimming in a little corner of paradise under a waterfall. Thursday 5:30 am departure for the ascent of mt Agou an extinct volcano, 700m of elevation 4h of ascent. 2hour of descent, happiness for thighs and calves, always with stunning views and our caring and tireless guide Patrick.

Friday departure for depko, but I let you discover this village with the previous travelers
because I don't want to repeat myself.

Thank you Patrick for your kindness, your knowledge, your humor, your availability 24 hours a day 24 and many more things, Innocent, remarkable character, as well as the people of the village, Nicolas, Justine, Sylvia and all the others who took care of us in the village.

This trip to Togo will remain unforgettable.

Anne Marie

Anne Marie

I would like to tell all future travelers who will go to Dekpo that all the inhabitants of the village will welcome them with
a lot of kindness and that they will be proud to share their everyday life with them and will even invite them to dance.
It is a very rewarding and emotional journey.; et quel bonheur de voir tous ces enfants sourire .
N' hésitez pas à me contacter pour en parler : canardock@gmail.com
Anne - Marie

Christine & Landry

Christine & Landry
Travelers January 2012

Our stay with "VoyagerAutrementTogo" reminded us of the essential : Human relationship, actually when nothing (materially) we give all (emotionally). And our journey can be summed up in this, we were greeted with chants Dekpo, dances. But not the songs and dances hotel reception tour operators (you probably see what I mean), but rather a welcoming ceremony. The villagers take you into their captivating ballet and communicate their joy you receive. Not only did they welcome you, but with you and throughout the stay, because you will have the opportunity to participate in their rites, Christians or animists where the music and choreography are ubiquitous. Vigilance teams formed by President Bertrand otherwise Togo Travel, you will stay and travel in peace in authentic Africa. Proper hygiene at our weaknesses to health risks has allowed us to enjoy our stay unforgettable. And to conclude, We thank our guide Patrick the head of the Togolese branch VoyagerAutrementTogo. If you have the chance to meet him one day, you will discover a being of kindness, a delicacy, an extraordinary culture. Do not hesitate to contact Christine Landry and email landrybagot@cegetel.net

Hugo, 29 years, Rennes

Hugo, 29 years, Rennes

"The high point may have been home to the village. Everyone was there waiting with impatience. They welcomed us with open arms, immediately immersing ourselves in our new "among us" singing and dancing, as if they were celebrating in advance what we were going to share together during this trip, which did not subsequently deny.
The context in which we travel is particularly suitable. Access to clean toilet and a bathroom comfortable place among my basic requirements.
The spirit of solidarity can be found by simply human encounter between people no ulterior motives and no mercantile protocol other than the desire to discover the other, whether travelers or villagers. This principle of French citizens up to meet Togolese citizens, simple seems to be the best and most effective way to bring people together. »