Otherwise Togo travel Otherwise Togo travel, Association of solidarity tourism in Togo

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Solidarity tourism according VAT

Studies on the prospects for world tourism indicate that the number of tourists is constantly growing and that by 2020, we will rely on Earth 1,6 billion tourists (12% mondial du PIB). This "boom" global tourism is accompanied by a critical consideration of ecological issues, social and sometimes economic. The impact of tourism on the environment and societies "visited" is such that the application be considered in a sustainable development perspective.

Responsible tourism and is a form that meets this tourist sustainable development issue; It combines an act of tourism consumption in an act of solidarity, and will result in the redistribution of a portion of the stay with a project planning and development within the community visited. The action and stay are nested in a common. These benefits are either managed by a local organization supported by the people themselves, either by a local NGO, project partner.

Solidarity tourism introduces a relationship of solidarity between the immediate tourist consumer and host populations, without a relationship of type "humanitarian". That makes traveling a point that its passengers have with the villagers relationship dignity and confidence and encourage and not to travel with gifts or offer to put money by signing a commitment charter. In the reverse, villagers are encouraged to not ask for money but to welcome visitors as true guests.