Otherwise Togo travel Otherwise Togo travel, Association of solidarity tourism in Togo

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Community life

the 28 October 2017, VAT a fêté ses 10 years.

Voici quelques moments forts de ces retrouvailles entre anciens voyageurs et soutiens amicaux et familiaux de l’association.



The Board of Directors is composed of 10 people, 5 women and 5 men. La parité a été établie dans les statuts de l’association. Within the Council, there is the office which is composed of 3 people.

President : Bertrand Morin
Vice President : Gwendal Béchu
Trésorière : Marie-Thérèse Simon
Secretary : Evelyne Baudoin
Responsable salons : Marie-Paule Pegeault
Communication : Emmanuelle Morin
Responsable antenne Saint Malo : Frédérique Gaudioso
Administratrice antenne Saint Malo : Chloe Durand
Responsable antenne Marcillé Robert: Arsène Métayer
Responsable des expositions: Gérard Lesaux


The Board of Directors meets several times during the year to discuss current projects and future.
Once a year, VAT organizes a meeting to bring together all its members and present the activities of the year, outline of ongoing and future, directions that the association wants to eventually. It was on this occasion that the members of the Board are elected.


You can join the association by clicking on the membership form below and return it duly completed, signed with your payment. You can then access the Members' Area Site, you will receive invitations to join us when we participate in events. Finally you support VAT in its solidarity project.

bulletin adhesion 2013