Otherwise Togo travel Otherwise Togo travel, Association of solidarity tourism in Togo

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Village development

Une partie des bénéfices issue du tourisme alimente la caisse de développement: cela permet de mener des projets pour l’ensemble du village.

Quelques nouvelles des projets du village 2020.

  • Le forage

Il semble toujours bien utilisé y compris en saison sèche, l’argent rentre puisque je rappelle qu’il faut payer le compteur électrique à l’avance pour le faire marcher. On a même atteint 100 000 CFA dans la caisse eau ce qui est du jamais vu depuis 2008.


  • Le projet agricole

Il a subi des difficultés, this summer with diseases that reached the crops. We therefore decided to approach the Sichem agricultural school located not far from the village to the detriment of CIDAP too far away and not very interested in helping us from a distance.

      Peanuts were grown to kill nematodes, the parasites responsible for the disease.

      We are still waiting for this project to begin its autonomy, that the wages of the two employees come from the harvests. We are still far away. Patrick is increasingly taking over the oversight and control of this project..

The pig farm built next to the borehole on the school grounds will start in early December with the purchase of two sows.


Peanut and tomato harvest


 Construction of the pigsty:
  • School

The follow-up is done by Patrick and Romaric. The various works have been carried out:

  • Toilet cleaning, maintenance will be carried out by Innocent
  • Trellises have been placed on the school window to prevent theft, the computers in the funded "computer room" were stolen last year
  • A toilet and a shower have been built at the kindergarten

Des demandes supplémentaires ont été formulés:

  • Achat de 50 livres de lecture pour les CM2, les résultats aux examens ont été mauvais, suite au confinement
  • Il n’y a plus d’instituteur au jardin d’enfants, the school therefore asks us to cover the salary of a substitute teacher, it will be on the program of the next CA.


Cleaning of children's toilets
Installation of screens in the kindergarten (kindergarten).
Construction of latrines in nursery school





Distribution of reading books to CM2



Reflection on the future of our association

I started researching the peanuts project with the administration and then it got very complicated on the first hurdle: find a transporter who accepts a ton of peanuts. I suffered failure after failure on the phone and mostly on the internet. So I asked Patrick to take over in Togo, he seems to have found a carrier: Navitrans.

We are therefore both continuing a general and budgeted presentation for the January Board meeting..


Bertrand Morin


A new borehole in 2019:

A drilling of 300 meters of depth was carried out by the FFA (Africa Drilling Foundation). Commissioned in February 2020, this well will be used to cover the water needs of the population and to irrigate the garden.

An electric meter has been set up: villagers send money over the phone to start the water flow. The implementation of this contribution seems well accepted; it supplies the water tank intended for the maintenance of the various installations.















Development projects underway in 2018

Purchase of agricultural equipment.

Establishment of nurseries.


Development projects carried out in 2016 et 2017


Purchase of one hectare of land for the organic garden.















Work to put the field back into cultivation.

Dekpo October 2017

Advancement of the organic garden, water reserve construction, stumping and leveling of the ground.



Water supply in all areas of Dekpo: Ligokope drilling

The digging of the trenches Laying the pipes
Fountain (the first jets) The foundation of the wall
Ligokope drilling completed





Construction of a water reserve of 67 cubic meters.


Construction of two new water reserves


The two water reserves

The basin under construction

Development projects carried out in 2016

Rehabilitation of a school building: 
Construction of 2 ECOSAN latrine blocks in primary school 


Purchase of school materials: 
Electrification of a building and installation of a mini computer room: 



Development projects carried out in 2010

School roof redone:





Cementing of three classrooms 


Well equipment in PMH (human motor pump)